Regina Gensinger


Inbetween noise and brand

design fundamentals



Sound phenomena in the context of product design.
Designing acoustics on the object will in future go far beyond strengthening the brand or reducing noise - in future, it should rather be a design concern to exploit the acoustic potential of the products and thus integrate relevant information into everyday life.


BFA productdesign thesis @ HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd


single project


The neglected sense

In recent years, the acoustic sense and its semantic value has been neglected in design.

[main research insight]

87% of the day, we perceive sounds that come from human-designed products

If we pay attention, we can consciously observe how many sounds and noises we perceive in every situation of the day and what information they convey to us. On average, we are in artificial environments 87% of the day (World Health Organisation, 2013), which means that for the most part we perceive sounds that come from human-designed products. This acoustic information is captured by our senses and decoded in our minds using existing concepts. These relationships of meaning and the resulting interpretations are enormously important for us, and yet the acoustic sense has been neglected in recent years, especially in design.


more coming soon